Who loves creating apps.

Tag: vue.js

Quizz Flash Cards RPG: A Beginner’s Adventure with Vue.js

See the Pen French 🇫🇷 Quizz Flash Cards RPG: Developer Exam Prep 🧙‍♂️💻 by Kevin Marville (@Kvnbbg-the-animator) on CodePen.


Do you remember those classic flash cards from school? Now, imagine taking that concept and transforming it into an engaging and interactive role-playing game (RPG). That’s exactly what Quizz Flash Cards RPG offers. This project is a labor of love, crafted by a first-time Vue.js developer who managed to put it together in record time.

A Quick Dive into Vue.js

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces. It is known for its simplicity and versatility, making it an excellent choice for beginners. As a new developer diving into Vue.js for the first time, the process of creating Quizz Flash Cards RPG was incredibly smooth and rapid.

Features of Quizz Flash Cards RPG

  • Interactive Flash Cards: Each flash card presents a question. When answered correctly, the player progresses, enhancing the learning experience with a fun twist.
  • RPG Elements: Players can level up, gain new abilities, and face increasingly challenging questions, adding an element of strategy to the learning process.
  • Engaging Visuals: Built with Vue.js, the game’s interface is dynamic and visually appealing, ensuring players remain captivated throughout their learning journey.

Try It Out!

You can explore the game and see the magic of Vue.js in action by visiting the following link:

See the Pen French 🇫🇷 Quizz Flash Cards RPG: Developer Exam Prep 🧙‍♂️💻 by Kevin Marville (@Kvnbbg-the-animator) on CodePen.


Creating Quizz Flash Cards RPG was not only an excellent way to learn Vue.js but also demonstrated how quickly an app can come together with the right tools. Whether you’re an educator looking to gamify lessons or a developer interested in exploring Vue.js, this project serves as an inspiring example of what’s possible.

Dive in, explore, and enjoy the process of learning and gaming combined!

Full Stack TikTok Clone with Nuxt 3, Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, Laravel API, Pinia, Axios, Javascript

This tutorial likely covers the end-to-end development process, from setting up the frontend with Nuxt 3 and Vue 3, styled using Tailwind CSS, to creating a backend API with Laravel. It also seems to delve into state management using Pinia and data fetching with Axios, all tied together with JavaScript

.This tutorial is perfect for developers interested in building complex web applications using some of the latest technologies in the web development space. Nuxt 3 offers a powerful and flexible framework for Vue.js applications, enabling server-side rendering, static site generation, and single-page application functionality.

Vue 3 brings an improved composition API, performance enhancements, and more. Tailwind CSS provides utility-first CSS that helps in rapidly building custom designs without leaving your HTML.

Laravel, a PHP framework, is known for its elegant syntax and provides robust features for building web APIs. Pinia serves as the officially recommended state management library for Vue.js, and Axios is a popular JavaScript library used to make HTTP requests.For those looking to expand their full-stack development skills with a focus on modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries, this video tutorial could be a valuable resource.

Whether you’re building a project for learning, portfolio development, or even a prototype for a startup idea, the skills and technologies covered in this tutorial are highly relevant and sought after in today’s web development industry.

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Full Stack TikTok Clone with Nuxt 3, Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, Laravel API, Pinia, Axios, Javascript

This tutorial likely covers the end-to-end development process, from setting up the frontend with Nuxt 3 and Vue 3, styled using Tailwind CSS, to creating a backend API with Laravel. It also seems to delve into state management using Pinia and data fetching with Axios, all tied together with JavaScript

.This tutorial is perfect for developers interested in building complex web applications using some of the latest technologies in the web development space. Nuxt 3 offers a powerful and flexible framework for Vue.js applications, enabling server-side rendering, static site generation, and single-page application functionality.

Vue 3 brings an improved composition API, performance enhancements, and more. Tailwind CSS provides utility-first CSS that helps in rapidly building custom designs without leaving your HTML.

Laravel, a PHP framework, is known for its elegant syntax and provides robust features for building web APIs. Pinia serves as the officially recommended state management library for Vue.js, and Axios is a popular JavaScript library used to make HTTP requests.For those looking to expand their full-stack development skills with a focus on modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries, this video tutorial could be a valuable resource.

Whether you’re building a project for learning, portfolio development, or even a prototype for a startup idea, the skills and technologies covered in this tutorial are highly relevant and sought after in today’s web development industry.

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Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy.

Enhancing Vue.js Development with Visual Studio Code

What is Quekokia?

Quekokia is a Visual Studio Code extension designed to enhance the development experience for Vue.js projects. It provides a range of features, from syntax highlighting to advanced project management capabilities, all aimed at boosting developer productivity and making Vue.js development smoother and more efficient.

Key Features of Quekokia

  • Syntax Highlighting: Enhances code readability by providing clear and customizable color schemes for Vue.js syntax.
  • Snippets: Offers a collection of code snippets for common Vue.js patterns, significantly speeding up the coding process.
  • Project Scaffolding: Quickly generates Vue.js project templates, helping developers to set up new projects with ease.
  • Debugging Tools: Integrates with VS Code’s debugging capabilities, allowing developers to troubleshoot their Vue.js applications more effectively.

To begin using Quekokia in your Vue.js projects, follow these simple steps:

  1. Install Visual Studio Code: If you haven’t already, download and install VS Code from the official website.
  2. Install the Quekokia Extension: Open the Extensions view in VS Code by clicking on the square icon on the sidebar or pressing Ctrl+Shift+X. Search for "Quekokia" and click on the install button.
  3. Enjoy Enhanced Vue.js Development: Once installed, Quekokia will automatically enhance your Vue.js development experience with its range of features.

Example Snippet Usage

One of the standout features of Quekokia is its rich set of snippets that cater specifically to Vue.js development. Here’s an example snippet for creating a new Vue component:

  <div>{{ message }}</div>

export default {
  name: 'MyComponent',
  data() {
    return {
      message: 'Hello, Vue!'

<style scoped>
div {
  color: #42b983;

This snippet outlines a basic structure of a Vue component, including template, script, and scoped style sections, showcasing how Quekokia can expedite the development process by providing ready-to-use code templates.

Why Choose Quekokia for Vue.js Development?

Quekokia stands out due to its deep integration with Vue.js and Visual Studio Code, offering features that are specifically tailored to improve the Vue.js development workflow. Whether it’s through speeding up project setup, enhancing code readability, or simplifying debugging processes, Quekokia provides tangible benefits that can make a developer’s life easier.

Moreover, Quekokia’s active development and supportive community mean that it’s constantly evolving, with new features and improvements being added regularly to keep pace with the latest trends in Vue.js development.


Quekokia is a powerful extension for Visual Studio Code that can significantly enhance the development experience for Vue.js developers. By streamlining various aspects of the development process, Quekokia not only boosts productivity but also allows developers to focus more on creating high-quality Vue.js applications. If you’re working with Vue.js in VS Code, Quekokia is definitely worth exploring.

Integrating Vue.js with PHP in VS Code and Creating a Simple API

Setting Up Vue.js with PHP in VS Code

1. Setting Up PHP:
Ensure you have PHP installed on your system and set up a local server environment (e.g., XAMPP, MAMP, or WAMP).

2. Installing Vue CLI:
Vue CLI is a command-line tool for Vue.js development. Install it globally using npm:npm install -g @vue/cli

3. Creating a Vue Project:
Navigate to your project directory and create a new Vue project:vue create my-vue-app

Choose the default preset or customize your setup as required.

4. Integrating PHP:
Within the same project directory, create a folder for your PHP scripts, e.g., api. This is where you’ll store PHP files, like your API endpoints.

5. Configuring Vue.js to Proxy API Requests:
To integrate your Vue.js app with PHP running on a local server, configure a proxy in your Vue.js app’s vue.config.js file:module.exports = { devServer: { proxy: 'http://localhost:your_php_server_port', }, }

This setup allows you to make API requests to your PHP server from your Vue.js application during development.

Crafting a Simple PHP API

Create a PHP file inside your api directory. This example demonstrates a simple API that returns book details.

api/books.php:<?php header('Content-Type: application/json'); class Book { public $title; public $author; public $pages; public function __construct($title, $author, $pages) { $this->title = $title; $this->author = $author; $this->pages = $pages; } } // Sample book $book1 = new Book('Lord of the Rings', 'J.R.R. Tolkien', 1178); echo json_encode($book1);

This script defines a Book class with a constructor to initialize book objects. When books.php is accessed, it instantiates a Book object and returns its details in JSON format.

Object-Oriented PHP: Constructors and Instances

In PHP, constructors are special methods invoked at the creation of an object. They are ideal for initializing an object’s properties. The __construct method in the Book class demonstrates how PHP allows you to set up objects with different titles, authors, and page numbers.


When you create a new instance of the Book class:$book2 = new Book('Lord of the Rings', 'J.R.R. Tolkien', 1178);

You’re calling the constructor method, which sets the title, author, and pages of the book2 object. This approach highlights PHP’s beautiful syntax for managing object-oriented programming, making code more readable and maintainable.


Combining Vue.js with PHP in VS Code for front-end and API development respectively, offers a powerful toolkit for creating dynamic web applications. The setup process involves configuring Vue.js to work alongside a PHP backend, facilitating seamless development and testing. Additionally, employing object-oriented programming practices in PHP, like using constructors for object initialization, further enhances the application’s structure and efficiency. This blend of technologies and programming paradigms enables developers to craft responsive, data-driven web experiences.

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