Who loves creating apps.

Tag: three.js

the integration of backend technologies like PHP and MariaDB with front-end libraries such as Three.js

Hosting a PHP and Three.js Application on Fly.io

1. Introduction to Fly.io Deployment

Fly.io is a modern platform that enables developers to run their applications close to users worldwide, leveraging the benefits of containers. It supports a wide array of languages and frameworks, including PHP, making it an excellent choice for deploying web applications that require global distribution.

2. Containerization with Docker

The first step involves containerizing your PHP application using Docker. This process ensures your application runs consistently across different environments. Here’s a basic Dockerfile for setting up a PHP environment:

FROM php:8.0-apache
WORKDIR /var/www/html
COPY . .
CMD ["apache2-foreground"]

3. Deploying on Fly.io

Once your application is containerized, deploying it on Fly.io involves a few commands using the Fly.io CLI. Ensure you’ve logged in (fly auth login) and created an app (fly apps create). Then, deploy your application using fly deploy. The CLI tool handles the rest, ensuring your app is deployed globally.

Building the Educational App

Algorithm Overview

The core of our educational app revolves around explaining database technologies through interactive examples and tutorials. Users can select a topic (MariaDB vs. MySQL), and the app dynamically presents relevant information, tutorials, and visualizations using Three.js.

Sample Algorithm Block: Display Database Comparison

// Sample PHP code to fetch and display database information
function fetchDatabaseInfo($dbType) {
    // Placeholder for fetching data. Assume $databaseInfo is fetched here.
    $databaseInfo = [
        'description' => 'Description of ' . $dbType,
        'links' => [
            'official' => 'https://officialsite.com/' . $dbType,
            'tutorial' => 'https://tutorialsite.com/' . $dbType,
        'primaryKeys' => 'Explanation of primary keys in ' . $dbType,
        'robustness' => 'How ' . $dbType . ' ensures robustness',
        'commonBugs' => 'Common bugs found in ' . $dbType . ' and how to avoid them',
    return $databaseInfo;

// Example usage
$dbType = 'MariaDB';
$databaseInfo = fetchDatabaseInfo($dbType);
echo json_encode($databaseInfo);

Integrating Three.js

Three.js is utilized to create interactive 3D visualizations for each database concept. For instance, showing a 3D model of database tables and relationships can help explain primary keys and data integrity visually.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>3D Database Concepts</title>
    <script src="https://threejs.org/build/three.js"></script>
        // Three.js script to visualize database concepts
        // Placeholder for Three.js code to render 3D models

Enriching the App with Resources

Educational Content and Links

  • MariaDB: Explore the features and advantages of MariaDB, a fork of MySQL, offering enhanced performance, security, and open-source freedom. MariaDB Official
  • Transact-SQL: Learn about Microsoft’s extension to SQL, Transact-SQL (T-SQL), used in SQL Server. T-SQL adds procedural programming, local variables, and support for error handling. T-SQL Documentation
  • Oracle Database: Dive into the world of Oracle Database, a multi-model database management system known for its scalability, reliability, and comprehensive features. Oracle Documentation
  • NoSQL: Understand the principles behind NoSQL databases, designed for specific data models and have flexible schemas for building modern applications. NoSQL Database Explained
  • MySQL: Get started with MySQL, the world’s most popular open-source database, known for its reliability, ease of use, and performance. MySQL Official
  • SQL Server: Explore SQL Server, Microsoft’s enterprise database solution, offering robust data management and business intelligence capabilities. SQL Server Documentation
  • Complex SQL Queries: Enhance your skills in understanding complex SQL queries with step-by-step explanations and examples. Complex SQL Tutorial
  • Primary Keys (ClĂ© Primaire): Learn about the importance of primary keys in database design and how they ensure data uniqueness and integrity. Primary Keys Explained
  • Building Robust Applications: Tips and best practices for developing robust database applications that are secure, efficient, and reliable. Database Design Best Practices
  • Common Database Bugs: Identify common bugs in database applications and learn how to avoid them, enhancing the stability and performance of your applications. Common Database Errors


Creating an application that marries PHP and Three.js for educational purposes serves as a potent tool for junior developers eager to learn about database technologies. Hosting it on Fly.io ensures global reach and performance.

PHP Data Transfer with JSON

PHP, a server-side scripting language, is the unsung hero of many web applications. It works tirelessly behind the scenes, handling the crucial task of data transfer between the front end and the back end.

At its core, PHP excels in receiving data (from user inputs), processing it (applying business logic or database interactions), and sending responses back to the client.

Whether it’s processing form submissions, fetching data from a database, or sending JSON responses to a JavaScript front-end, PHP facilitates seamless communication within the application.

This cycle is fundamental to dynamic web applications, allowing them to respond to user actions in real-time.

Receiving Data

PHP receives data through global arrays such as $_GET, $_POST, and $_REQUEST. These arrays capture data sent from the front end, typically from HTML forms or AJAX requests.

  • $_GET: Contains data sent via URL parameters. Ideal for non-sensitive data and retrieving resources.
  • $_POST: Houses data sent as HTTP post requests. Perfect for form submissions with sensitive information.

// Example: Receiving data from a form submission


$name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']);

// Process $name


Processing Data: The Alchemy

Once data is received, PHP can interact with databases (MySQL), apply logic, and perform CRUD operations. This stage is where the back-end magic happens, transforming user inputs into meaningful actions or responses.

// Example: Inserting data into a MySQL database

$pdo = new

PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=example_db', 'user', 'password'); $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (:name)"); $stmt->execute(['name' => $name]);

Sending Responses

JSON, in particular, has become the lingua franca for front-end and back-end communication, especially in applications using AJAX or frameworks like React.

// Example: Sending a JSON response

header('Content-Type: application/json');

echo json_encode(['message' => 'Data processed successfully!']);

Simple PHP Script for Data Transfer

Imagine we’re building a part of “TaskWave” where users can add a new task. Here’s a simplified PHP script that showcases data receiving, processing, and sending a response:


// Assuming a form submission to this script if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") "


$taskTitle = htmlspecialchars($_POST['taskTitle']);

// Database connection

$pdo = new

PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=taskwave', 'username', 'password');

// Insert the new task into the database

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO tasks (title) VALUES (:title)"); $stmt->execute(['title' => $taskTitle]);

// Return a success response

header('Content-Type: application/json');

echo json_encode(['message' => 'Task added successfully!']);



This script is a microcosm of PHP’s role in data transfer within full-stack applications, demonstrating how data flows from the front end to the back end and back to the client.


Embarking on projects that involve these processes can immensely boost your confidence and skill set. So, to my fellow junior developers, I encourage you to creating, experimenting, and learning.

Elevating Web Experiences with Three.js and Laravel

Setting the Stage for Integration

Laravel, a PHP framework, excels in managing application logic and serving data, while Three.js, a JavaScript library, shines in rendering 3D content in the browser using WebGL. To illustrate their potential, we’ll create an application that dynamically generates 3D objects (a cube and a sphere) based on data imported from an Excel file.

Step 1: Preparing Laravel

Start by setting up a new Laravel project and installing the necessary packages for handling Excel files, such as Laravel Excel:composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel ThreeDLaravelVisualization composer require maatwebsite/excel

Create a model and migration for storing our Excel data:php artisan make:model DataPoint -m

In the migration file, define the structure of your data points. For simplicity, we’ll include coordinates and a type (cube or sphere):

Run the migration:php artisan migrate

Step 2: Importing Data from Excel

Assuming you have an Excel file with data to import, set up Laravel Excel to read the file and populate your data_points table. You might create an import class using Laravel Excel documentation as a guide.

Step 3: Serving Data with Laravel

Create a controller to serve your data to the front end:php artisan make:controller DataController

In DataController, add a method to fetch data points and return them as JSON:

Define a route in routes/web.php:Route::get('/data', 'DataController@index');

Crafting 3D Objects with Three.js

Now, let’s switch to the front end. In your Laravel project’s public directory, create a JavaScript file for your Three.js code, say public/js/threeApp.js. Include this script in your main blade view:<script src="{{ asset('js/threeApp.js') }}"></script>

In threeApp.js, initialize Three.js, set up a scene, camera, and renderer. Then, fetch your data from Laravel and create 3D objects accordingly:

This script fetches data from Laravel, checks the type of each data point, and creates either a cube or a sphere positioned according to the data.


Integrating Laravel and Three.js for dynamic 3D data visualization offers a unique approach to presenting information.

The Power of MVC in Building Modern Web Applications

Laravel, inherently designed around the MVC pattern, simplifies the process of creating well-organized, scalable applications. Let’s apply MVC to our 3D data simulation app:

Step 1: Structuring with MVC in Laravel

  1. Models: We’ll start by defining our data structure. For a 3D data simulation, the model might represent different entities that we want to visualize, such as statistical data points, geographical locations, or any other dataset. // app/Models/DataPoint.php namespace App\Models; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class DataPoint extends Model { protected $fillable = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'value']; // Additional attributes like 'value' can represent the data to be visualized }
  2. Views: The view will be responsible for presenting the 3D visualization to the user. We’ll utilize Three.js within our Laravel views to render the 3D scenes. {{-- resources/views/dataVisualization.blade.php --}} <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>3D Data Visualization</title> </head> <body> <div id="threejs-container"></div> <script src="{{ mix('/js/threejsApp.js') }}"></script> {{-- Your Three.js script --}} </body> </html>
  3. Controllers: The controller will handle the logic of fetching data from the Model and passing it to the View. It acts as the intermediary that processes requests and prepares data for visualization. // app/Http/Controllers/DataVisualizationController.php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Models\DataPoint; class DataVisualizationController extends Controller { public function index() { $dataPoints = DataPoint::all(); return view('dataVisualization', compact('dataPoints')); } }

Step 2: Routing and Controllers in Laravel

Laravel makes it straightforward to define routes for your application. We’ll create a route that loads our data visualization page, utilizing the MVC components we’ve set up.// routes/web.php use App\Http\Controllers\DataVisualizationController; Route::get('/visualization', [DataVisualizationController::class, 'index']);

For authentication and other user interactions, Laravel provides an elegant solution with its Auth facade and artisan commands. Setting up authentication routes is as simple as:Auth::routes();

And creating a new controller can be done with:php artisan make:controller YourControllerName

Step 3: Integrating Three.js for 3D Visualization

With the data served by Laravel’s MVC structure, we can use Three.js in our view to render the 3D data visualization. The threejsApp.js script included in our view will contain the Three.js logic to create scenes, cameras, and render our data points in 3D space.

Final Thoughts

This approach illustrates the synergy between server-side frameworks and client-side libraries, showcasing how structured development practices like MVC can significantly enhance the creation of modern, interactive web applications.

Journey of a Junior Full-Stack Developer

Elevating “TaskWave” with Three.js and 3D Data Visualization

Hello, fellow developers! I’m Kevin, a junior full-stack developer who initially dove into the coding world through my love for Python. However, the quest for versatility and employability in the tech landscape nudged me towards mastering the full stack—front to back. My journey has led me to share a unique project I’ve been working on: “TaskWave,” a task management application. What sets it apart is not just its functionality but how it incorporates Three.js for stunning 3D data visualizations, offering a fresh perspective on task management.

From Python to Full Stack: The Shift

My programming journey began with Python—a language known for its simplicity and elegance. Python taught me the fundamentals of coding, from data structures to object-oriented programming. However, the diverse demands of the job market made me realize the importance of being a versatile developer. Thus began my foray into the realms of JavaScript, React for the front end, Laravel for the back end, and the fascinating world of 3D visualizations with Three.js.

“TaskWave”: Not Your Ordinary Task Manager

“TaskWave” started as a basic task management tool but evolved into something far more engaging. The standard features are all there: creating tasks, setting deadlines, and categorizing them based on progress. But I wanted “TaskWave” to be more than just checkboxes and lists—I wanted it to visualize tasks in a way that’s both intuitive and captivating.

Incorporating Three.js for 3D Visualizations

Three.js, a JavaScript library for 3D graphics, became the game-changer for “TaskWave.” It allowed me to create dynamic 3D visualizations of tasks, making the app not just functional but also visually stimulating. Imagine viewing your tasks as floating islands in a 3D space, each representing different projects or deadlines, bringing a new dimension to task management.

Getting Started with Three.js in “TaskWave”

  1. Three.js Setup: First, I integrated Three.js into our React frontend. This involved importing the library and setting up a basic 3D scene:
  2. Visualizing Tasks: Each task is represented by a 3D object. For simplicity, let’s start with cubes. The position and color of a cube could represent its priority and status.
  3. Interactive Visualization: I added functionality to interact with these 3D objects. Clicking a cube opens its task details, making “TaskWave” not just visually engaging but also interactive.

Laravel: The Backbone of “TaskWave”

The back end of “TaskWave,” powered by Laravel, manages tasks, user authentication, and serves data to the front end. Laravel’s MVC architecture made it straightforward to organize the application’s logic and data management, ensuring a solid foundation for the app’s functionality.

Embracing Docker for Deployment

Docker came into play for deploying “TaskWave.” It ensured that the app runs smoothly across different environments, encapsulating the application and its dependencies into containers. This was especially helpful for a junior developer like me, making deployment seem less daunting.

Lessons Learned and Moving Forward

“TaskWave” is more than a project; it’s a reflection of my growth as a developer. Transitioning from Python to embracing full-stack development and diving into 3D visualizations with Three.js has been an exhilarating challenge. Here are a few takeaways for fellow junior developers:

  • Be Curious: Don’t shy away from exploring new technologies. Each one opens up new possibilities.
  • Start Small, Dream Big: Begin with simple features and gradually add complexity. “TaskWave” started as a basic app and grew into something much more.
  • Embrace the Learning Curve: Every new library or framework has its learning curve. Tackle it one step at a time.

To juniors like me, ready to code and eager to learn—dive into projects that push your boundaries. Whether it’s integrating 3D visualizations with Three.js or mastering back-end development with Laravel, each project hones your skills and brings you one step closer to becoming a seasoned developer. Let’s continue to learn, code, and transform our ideas into reality. Happy coding!

Crafting a 3D Data Simulation with Laravel and Three.js 🌍✨

MVC, which stands for Model-View-Controller, is a design pattern used in software development to separate the internal representations of information from the ways that information is presented to and accepted from the user. It’s a way to organize your code in a way that separates concerns, making it easier to manage and scale complex applications.


The Model represents the data and the business logic of the application. It is responsible for accessing the database, fetching, storing, and updating data as necessary. Think of it as the heart of your application’s operations, dealing with all the logical parts that handle data.


The View is all about presentation. It displays data to the user and sends user commands to the controller. This is where all your UI logic lives. It’s the part of the application that the user interacts with – everything they see on their screen, from buttons to input fields, is part of the View.


The Controller acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View. It receives user inputs from the View, processes them (with possible updates to the Model), and returns the output display data back to the View. Essentially, it controls the interactions between the Model and the View.

How It Works Together

Imagine you’re using an app to browse a library (books are the data here). You (the user) interact with the webpage (View) by requesting to see the “Fantasy” genre. The webpage sends this request to the Controller, which knows exactly what to do with this action. The Controller fetches the necessary data from the Model, which queries the database for books in the “Fantasy” genre. Once the Model retrieves this data, it sends it back to the Controller, which then chooses the appropriate View for display. Finally, the webpage updates to show you all the books in the “Fantasy” genre.

Laravel: The Data Conductor 🎼

Laravel, with its elegant syntax and powerful MVC architecture, is perfectly suited for handling complex data interactions. It fetches, processes, and serves data, acting as the orchestrator of our digital symphony.

// web.php Route::get('/data', 'DataController@index');

// DataController.php public function index() {

$data = DataModel::all();

// Fetch your data here

return view('dataView', compact('data')); }

This setup efficiently channels data from our database to the frontend, where Three.js awaits to breathe life into it.

Three.js: The Visual Maestro 🎨

This code snippet showcases how Three.js can transform Laravel-served data into a 3D visual narrative, allowing for an intuitive and immersive data exploration experience.

The Grand Finale: A Symphony of Code 🎻

This narrative, while a guide, is also an invitation—to explore, to create, and to contribute to the evolving landscape of the web. The fusion of Laravel and Three.js not only advances our capabilities in web development but also deepens our connection to the data that shapes our world.

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