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Tag: symphony

Docker ! How to get started ?

Docker revolutionizes the way developers build, ship, and run applications by using containers. This technology ensures that applications work seamlessly in any environment by packaging them with all their dependencies.

What is Docker ?

Docker is a platform that enables you to create, deploy, and run applications in containers. Containers package an application with all its dependencies into a single unit, ensuring that it runs uniformly across any computing environment. This method significantly reduces the “it works on my machine” syndrome, promoting more reliable development and deployment processes.

Why Use Docker ?

1. Consistency: Docker ensures your application runs the same way in development, testing, and production environments, eliminating discrepancies across different stages of the software lifecycle.

2. Isolation: Containers are isolated from each other and the host system. If one application fails, it doesn’t affect others.

3. Efficiency: Docker enables more efficient use of system resources. Containers share the host system’s kernel and start up significantly faster than traditional virtual machines.

Getting Started with Docker

Firstly, install Docker Desktop for Windows or Mac from the official Docker website, or Docker Engine for Linux distributions Docker Engine on Linux.

Building Your First Docker Container:

  1. Create a Dockerfile: This configuration file, named Dockerfile, outlines the steps to create the Docker image.

# Dockerfile for a Python-based application

FROM python:3.8 WORKDIR /app
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
CMD [“python”, “./app.py”]

  1. Build the Container: Execute the command to build your Docker image, substituting my-app with your app’s name.

docker build -t my-app .

  1. Run the Container: Launch your container, making the application available on a specified port.

docker run -p 4000:80 my-app

Docker Compose for Multi-Container Apps

For complex applications requiring multiple services: docker-compose.yml

Execute docker-compose up to start all services.

Use Case : Task App

Users can add, view, and complete tasks with stunning 3D visualizations for task categories using Three.js.

Backend : Choose between Python with Django for a dynamic, robust backend or PHP with Symfony for a modular, enterprise-level application.

  • Django Backend (views.py) :
  • Symfony Backend (TaskController.php) :

Frontend: Implement the UI with HTML, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for dynamic content loading. Three.js adds 3D visualizations.

  • HTML (index.html) :
  • CSS (style.css) :
  • JavaScript with Three.js (app.js) :

Unit Testing : Ensure functionality with unit tests for both backend choices.

  • Django Test :
  • Symfony Test :


Docker serves as a powerful tool in modern development environments, facilitating consistency across development, testing, and production stages. Our Task App showcases how Docker can be an instrument. To explore more about containerization : Docker’s comprehensive guide.

Laravel and Symfony in VS Code: Unit test, Extensions

Quel professeur vous a le plus influencé ? Pourquoi ?

The grand quest of web development with Laravel and Symfony requires not just skill and valor but also a good dose of humor to navigate the oft-treacherous paths of programming challenges.

Setting Up Your Forge

Before summoning the frameworks into your realm, ensure your toolkit is complete:

  • PHP: The ancient language spoken by servers.
  • Composer: The conduit for invoking PHP libraries.
  • VS Code: The arcane editor where your code come to life.

Laravel: Quickstart Magic

  1. With terminal, invoke Laravel:

composer global require laravel/installer

  1. Materialize your project with:

laravel new myEnchantedProject

  1. Use VS Code extensions like Laravel Artisan for spell-crafting and PHP Intelephense for heightened senses.
  2. With php artisan serve, behold at http://localhost:8000.

Symfony: The Architect’s Blueprint

  1. Call Symfony using Composer’s:

composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton myFortress

  1. The Symfony VSCode extension sharpens your blade.
  2. symfony server:start signals your project’s awakening to the world.

Let’s enhance our toolkit with some common VS Code extensions.

For Laravel

  • Laravel Artisan: Craft models, controllers, and migrations with simple incantations.
  • PHP Intelephense: Quick navigation, error detection, and auto-completion of spells.
  • Laravel Blade Snippets and Syntax Highlighting: Transform your Blade templates into a readable spellbook, making your views easier.
  • DotENV: (.env files) contain powerful secrets and configurations. This extension illuminates these files for easy reading and editing.

For Symfony

  • Symfony for VSCode: Offering route navigation, service container access, and more.
  • PHP Namespace Resolver: As you traverse the namespaces, this tool automatically discovers and resolves them, keeping your use statements organized.
  • Twig Language 2: A must-have for those who speak in Twig templates, adding syntax highlighting and snippets.

Universal Tools for PHP Developers

  • GitLens: Peer through the fabric of time and see the history of your code, understanding the when and why changes were made.
  • PHPUnit Test Explorer: Observe your PHPUnit tests directly from VS Code, making it easier to maintain the fortitude of your application.
  • Better Comments: Enchant your comments, making them more readable and meaningful with color-coded annotations.

Configuring Your Enchanted Editor

To wield these extensions effectively, venture into the mystical settings of VS Code by invoking the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac) and searching for “Extensions” as Extensions: Install Extensions. Here, in the search bar, scribe the name of the desired extension and press Enter. Installing them with a simple click.

Whether you’re crafting new spells in Laravel or fortifying the ramparts with Symfony, remember that the true power lies not in the tools themselves, but in the wisdom and creativity of the sorcerer who wields them.

Your quest is to create a feature allowing them to answer the profound query: “Quel professeur vous a le plus influencé ? Pourquoi ?”

Create a controller to manage the posts:

// The controller serves as the grand hall where requests are received and responses are summoned.

public function createEnchantingPost(Request $request) {

// The magic incantation that elicits a response to the age-old question.

$response = "M. Merlin, car il a transformé ma curiosité en passion pour la magie.";

return response()->json(['question' => $request->input('question'), 'response' => $response]);


Ensure your magic is potent by challenging it in the testing dungeons:

// This spell (test) verifies that our controller correctly conjures up responses.

public function testTheOracleSpeaksTruth() {

$this->json('POST', '/cast-spell', ['question' => 'Quel professeur vous a le plus influencé ? Pourquoi ?'])

->assertJson(['response' => "M. Merlin, car il a transformé ma curiosité en passion pour la magie."]);



Each framework, offers a path to crafting applications that can enchant users. Remember, development challenges are opportunities for growth, learning, and a bit of fun.

So, sharpen your blades, charge your spells, and prepare for the adventures that lie ahead.

Symphony in the Real World

  • Choose Laravel if you prioritize rapid development, ease of use, and a rich set of out-of-the-box features for building web applications or APIs.
  • Opt for Symfony if you need a highly customizable, scalable framework that excels in performance for complex, enterprise-level applications.

Healthcare: Digital Health Solutions

Symfony in Healthcare: Symfony’s security, reliability, and scalability make it a prime choice for healthcare applications, where data sensitivity and uptime are paramount. Symfony’s Security Component plays a critical role in ensuring that applications meet stringent compliance standards, such as HIPAA in the US and GDPR in Europe.

Example Project: Although specific real-world examples like “MyHealthcare Clinic” are illustrative, Symfony’s ecosystem is replete with bundles and components that can be leveraged to build comprehensive healthcare platforms.

Media and Entertainment: Digital Experiences

Symfony for Media Platforms: Symfony’s robustness supports high-traffic media sites and streaming services, managing content delivery and user interactions effectively. The Symfony HttpKernel Component is key for handling requests and responses efficiently in such environments.

Real-World Application: Platforms like Dailymotion have utilized Symfony for various aspects of their application, showcasing Symfony’s capability to support high-demand media services.

E-Commerce: Online Business Success

Symfony in E-Commerce: Symfony excels in e-commerce due to its flexible structure and comprehensive security features. The Sylius platform, built on Symfony, exemplifies how Symfony can serve as the backbone for e-commerce solutions, offering scalability and customization.

Case Study: For an in-depth look at how Symfony powers e-commerce, the Sylius Case Studies page provides examples of businesses that have benefited from building on a Symfony-based platform.


Symfony’s extensive ecosystem, highlighted by its official documentation, showcases, and third-party platforms, underscores its adaptability and strength in building complex web applications across various industries.

By tapping into Symfony’s official website and exploring its showcases, developers can discover the framework’s potential and how it can be tailored to meet specific industry needs.

Reading and Resources

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