1. Crafting Reusable Functions with a French Twist

Let’s create a PHP script that involves basic student grade management functionality. We aim for reusability and clarity, keeping our French debugging messages intact for a unique learning curve.

Function 1: Adding Student Grades

function ajouterNote(&$grades, $studentName, $grade) {

$grades[$studentName] = $grade;

echo "La note de $studentName a été ajoutée avec succès: $grade";


This function, ajouterNote, adds or updates a student’s grade in the $grades associative array. It takes the array by reference, the student’s name, and the grade as parameters.

Function 2: Retrieving Student Grades

function recupererNote($grades, $studentName) {

if (!isset($grades[$studentName])) {

return "Erreur: L'étudiant $studentName n'est pas trouvé dans le système.";


else {

return "La note de $studentName est " . $grades[$studentName] . ".";



recupererNote fetches a student’s grade from the $grades array. If the student doesn’t exist, it returns an error message in French.

2. Utilizing Our Functions

With our functions defined, we can manage student grades effectively:

$grades = array();

ajouterNote($grades, 'Jean', 'A');

echo recupererNote($grades, 'Jean'); // Outputs the grade of Jean

3. Integrating Numbers and Basic Operations

Expanding our script to include mathematical operations enhances its functionality. Let’s add a function to calculate the average grade of all students.

Function 3: Calculating Average Grade

function calculerMoyenne($grades) {

$sum = array_sum($grades);

$count = count($grades);

return $sum / $count;


This function, calculerMoyenne, computes the average of all grades stored in the $grades array, demonstrating how PHP handles numeric operations and arrays efficiently.

First Code and Good Practices


// Define an associative array to hold grades

$grades = array(); // Always use meaningful function and variable names

// Follow PHP FIG PSR standards for coding style

ajouterNote($grades, 'Marie', 'B+');

echo recupererNote($grades, 'Marie'); // When dealing with numbers

$mathScore = 85;

$scienceScore = 90;

$averageScore = ($mathScore + $scienceScore) / 2;

echo "Average Score: " . $averageScore; ?>

By integrating these elements into your PHP development practice, not only do you embrace good coding standards, but you also add a cultural richness to your codebase.